Game & Fish Warns Drivers to Watch for Wildlife on Wyoming Roads
Wildlife are on the move, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is reminding drivers to be aware and slow down, especially at dawn and dusk.
The agency says deer-vehicle collisions -- which account for 80 to 85 percent of the state's roughly 6,000 wildlife collisions each year -- increase in the fall when deer migrate to their wintering habitats.
Laramie regional wildlife coordinator Embere Hall says while road modifications are being made throughout the state to help with safe wildlife passage, drivers can aid deer to safety as well.
"Driver behavior can make a tremendous difference in the likelihood of a crash with wildlife," said Hall. "The number one action a driver can take is slowing down."
Hall also encourages drivers who see wildlife to flash their lights to warn oncoming drivers, and to keep a safe following distance so they have time to react if the driver in front of them hits a deer.
If drivers do collide with deer or other large wildlife or see injured wildlife, they are encouraged to call Wyoming Highway Patrol dispatch at 1-800-412-9090.
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