Cheyenne Weather Service: Monday Lightning Poses Fire Danger
The Cheyenne office of the National Weather Service is warning about the possibility of dry thunderstorms on Monday starting fires, especially east of the Laramie Range in southeast Wyoming.
The weather service posted this statement on its website:
"A Red Flag Warning is in effect for Monday for locations west of the Laramie Range in southeast Wyoming (highlighted in pink on the hazard graphic). A cold front approaching from the west will pull moisture north into the area Monday, resulting in high based thunderstorms. It's going to take a while before the atmosphere moistens up enough to create rainfall with these storms, so initially, all we'll see from these storms are gusty winds and lightning. Multiple fire starts are possible as this takes place as the storms will likely travel over very dry fuels. If you spot smoke plumes tomorrow afternoon, immediately report the plumes to your nearest fire department so they can get a quicker jump on the fire to put them out.''
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