Cheyenne Utility Board Issues Frozen Pipe Warning
With temperatures in the Cheyenne area expected to plunge into the single digit to sub-zero range over the next few days, the Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities [BOPU] is warning people to take steps to protect their homes again frozen pipes.
The recommendations include the following precautions:
• Keep kitchen/bathroom cabinet doors open to allow warm air circulation.
• Find the farthest place where your water enters the house and open the faucet a crack. A very slow drip will keep water moving and reduce the chance that pipes will freeze. Place a bucket underneath to use the water again.
• Insulate pipes that may be vulnerable to the cold or have caused problems before. • Consider installing “heat tape” or similar materials on exposed water pipes.
• If you have an attached garage, keep its door shut. Occasionally plumbing is routed through the unheated garages leaving it more vulnerable to winter’s worst conditions.
• Be prepared and know the location of your water shut-off valve and test it regularly