Cheyenne Sanitation Reminds Customers Of Trash Disposal Rules
The City of Cheyenne Sanitation Department is reminding customers of the rules regarding trash and recycle disposal.
That's according to a post on the City of Cheyenne Facebook page.
According to the post:
-All city sanitation and recycling containers must have a minimum of two feet between the container and any other object. That includes fences, cars, trailers, and anything else.
-Other than yard waste and single-stream material, all waste put in containers must be bagged. This is to prevent litter from being spread when the containers are emptied or blown over by the wind that we so commonly experience in Wyoming.
-Speaking of the wind, the Cheyenne Sanitation Division will provide a lid lock for recycling containers for windy days. You can learn about pricing and scheduling for the win lock by contacting the Sanitation Division.
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