Cheyenne High Schools Offer Tutoring This Week
Cheyenne high schools are offering tutoring sessions this week during spring break in Laramie County School District #1.
The sessions start today [April 2] for seventh-12th- grade students. At Central High School the Chief Morningstar Academy will convene between 8-11 a.m. April 2, 3, and 7. If no students attend on April 7, that session will end at 9 a.m.
All secondary school students wanting to complete make-up assignments, including tests or assessments, are welcome. Students should enter through the north doors next to the athletic field. Certified English, math and social studies teachers will be on hand to help students.
At East High School, tutoring will be available from 9 am to noon on April 2-4 in the Thunderbird Academy in Room 347. Students should leave and enter through the front doors and will need to bring their own work and textbooks.
Certified English, math, and science tutors will be available, but students may work on any subject. South High School will offer tutoring from 9 am to noon on April 5 and 6 in the school library.