Cheyenne Benefit Dinner Brings Glasses To The Needy
There are folks in our community, young to old, who need glasses, but can't afford them. That is where the Cheyenne Noon Lions Club steps in to help.
The event is called Dining In The Dark. It will help raise money provide visits to the eye doctor and perception glasses.
Special guests speakers will be Helen Keller, Annie Sullivan, Alexander Bell and Mark Twain.
To reserve tickets, please call Lion Barbara at 307-274-2741 or your can purchase online by clicking here.
Tickets are $70 or $560 for a table of 8.
There’ll be a cash bar and music by Cheyenne Brass during social hour, and plenty of door prizes, raffle opportunities and a Pick-A-Prize silent auction.
After dinner, guests will travel back in time to hear Helen Keller and her special guests Annie Sullivan*, Alexander Graham Bell* and Mark Twain*.
Many local and even not-so-local businesses have generously donated items for door prizes, raffles, and our Pick-A-Prize silent auction. Click here to learn about our donors.
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