Bravo! Cheyenne Little Theatre Wants Your Input
I love when organizations and groups ask for my opinion. It's fun to be like, "yeah, you should do this". It makes you feel heard and gives you a good feeling in your tummy. It also makes you feel like your voice actually matters in something that you may or may not care about.
Cheyenne Little Theatre's programming committee is looking for the opinions of theater goers and Cheyenne residents for their upcoming 2021-22 season. The group made the announcement yesterday on their Facebook page. This is really exciting if you love the theater or just enjoy local productions of different works. You can take a look at the list yourself if you're interested and submit your vote through their Facebook post.
Just browsing through the list of suggestions that they have for potential shows, I got really excited. They had some classics like Little Shop Of Horrors, Young Frankenstein, Frankenstein, among others. I was personally most excited for the adaptation of the mid 00s classic, that by my notes, should have won at least 12 Oscars, but was robbed. Of course I'm talking about Mean Girls. Duh. You can't have them perform at the Macy's Day Parade and not expect me to want to watch it now.
All joking aside, they have a ton of options for you to look through. This year, they've done an awesome job of getting some great shows in, so there's no doubt that whatever they go with for the next season will be awesome. And when they pick Mean Girls, just for me, I'll be there each night. I think I'll have to be.
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