Bowl To Help Victims of Crime In Cheyenne
Bowl for a good cause.
October 20th, 2018, beginning at 1pm.
Check in time is 12:30.
Proceeds benefit the Cheyenne Police Department Victim Assistance Program.
Mission Statement of the Cheyenne Police Department Victim Assistance Program
“To enhance the treatment of victims and survivors of criminal and non-criminal crisis situations by providing victims with the assistance and services necessary to speed their physical and emotional recovery; to support and aid them through the progress of the criminal justice system; and to make referrals to appropriate agencies.”
Besides bowling, and great food, there will be a bucket raffle, 50/50 raffles and door prizes.
Entry fee will be $25 and hat give you 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, a goody bad, and you will be automatically entered into door prizes.
If you would like to know more, or if you would like to become a sponsor, just E-mail