Gary Freeman
Commentary: Hundreds of Thousands Support Free Speech At Local Chik-Fil-A’s
Whether you like chicken or just enjoy supporting a company's First Amendment right, last night at the Cheyenne Chick-Fil-A in the Frontier Mall was the place to be. From about 7 am in the morning well into closing time last night, the line to get a chicken sandwich seemed never ending...
Commentary: Cheyenne City Council Votes ‘No’ On Your Property Rights!
As you may know, the city of Cheyenne has fallen in line, as good soldiers, with the recent U.D.C. decision passed by the City Council and Mayor Rick Kaysen to float our property rights down the "global" river.
We continue to hear some of the City Council members, who are up for re-election, rhetorical cries of "If re-elected, I will repeal our decision", ad nauseam...
Read Mo
Gov Meads State Building Commission On Across America! [Audio]
"Although the commissioners have done the right thing by recognizing that they violated the First Amendment rights of WyWatch, members who simply wanted to display signs as others had been allowed to do, we disagree that the solution is to then shut everyone up so that you don't have to allow pro-life speech anymore," Scruggs explained.
Commentary: Herschler Gallery Still Closed to Public in Proposed Policy
April 18, 2012
The advocates for faith, family and freedom, WyWatch, have alerted the public that the Governor's Deputy Chief of Staff, Tony Young, has informed them that there will only be 15 minutes of public testimony at the SBC (State Building Commission) meeting today, April 18, 2012, at 8:00 AM...
Gov. Mead Wants To Get The 1st Amendment Right THIS Time!
Although the Governor said he did not know about the removal of the pro-life banners until well after the fact, citizens of Wyoming called and e-mailed his office in February of 2011 to ask him to put the pro-life banners back in the Herschler Gallery.
Jim Labriola From Home Improvement On Across America! [Audio]
Join me, Gary Freeman, as I interview one of America's funniest men, Jimmy Labriola. You may mostly remember him as doughnut loving deliveryman Benny Baroni on ABC’s hit show Home Improvement. You'll get a great laugh and find out another side of Jimmy that you may not have known about. Click past the jump to hear the interview of a most beloved American.
Commentary: April 1st ~ A Day To Recognize The Fool!
Maybe that is the problem with people, they choose to willingly ignore the existence of God, rather than embrace the truth of His existence. There is abundant proof about the existence of God so massive, that one cannot sit down in a single day, year or life time to figure out.
Commentary: ‘According To The Dictates Of Your Conscience’
"Separation of Church and State" was not intended to limit the religious from participating in government service to their fellow man, but rather to limit government from mandating and dictating their "convictions" to the God-fearing religious.
Sheriff Mack Checks in on ‘Across America!’ [AUDIO]
Join me, Gary Freeman, as we talk with author/speaker and former sheriff Richard Mack aka "Sheriff" Mack on Across America. Sheriff Mack has served in a wide variety of roles over the course of his nearly twenty year career in law enforcement, which began in Provo, Utah. Don't miss this exclusive interview with Sheriff Mack as we talk about the highest authority in the county, fast and
“Happy Constitution Day” On Across America! [Audio]
Join me, Gary Freeman, as we take a trip back to September 17, 1887 as we recognize and celebrate "Constitution Day - 2011"! This was the last day that the delegates met before actually signing the greatest document, outside of the Bible, known to mankind - The Constitution of the United States. Click past the jump to find out what you'll find in this exclusive magazine on the radio!