Are You Ready To Caucus?
Today is Super Tuesday and that means a lot of political decisions across the country as well as in our own Laramie County. With that said, "Are you ready to get your caucus on?"
The Laramie County Grand Old Party will be caucusing tonight at the Laramie County Community College, CCI Building, Union Pacific Centennial Room at 6 p.m.
The agenda will include, but is not limited to: Registering Republicans, finding out what precinct you are in, electing precinct caucus captains and scribes and going over platforms, by laws and proposing resolutions.
In order to voice your thoughts, you must have been registered as a Republican in Laramie County by February 18th of this year, or have voted in the last General Election.
For more information about the event, you can visit their website at LCGOP 2016.