70 MPH Winds, Heavy Snow Possible In SE Wyoming Mountains
The Cheyenne Office of the National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch for the Sierra Madre and Snowy Range mountains and surrounding foothill areas starting on Saturday.
The agency posted this statement on its website on Friday morning:
''Attention hunters, outdoor enthusiasts and those planning travel across southeast Wyoming this weekend, in addition to the High Wind Watch we have out, we have a Winter Storm Watch. This watch is for the Snowy and Sierra Madre Ranges and adjacent foothills Saturday night through Monday. A cold front moves through the area Saturday afternoon with rapidly falling temperatures and snow developing over the mountains. Very strong northwest winds are expected behind the front with gusts as strong as 70 mph or better at times. The combination of winds and snow will create near blizzard/whiteout conditions, impacting travel. Those planning any hunting trips in the Snowy and Sierra Madre Ranges, you can easily get disoriented and lost in these type of winter conditions. If planning travel on Interstate 80 near Arlington or Highway 230 near Saratoga, expect travel delays and very poor visibilities in blowing snow. Stay tuned for later updates on this developing winter storm."
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