5 Wyoming Springtime Jokes
Have you been suffering from spring fever? Chances are everyone you know just can't wait for winter to end.
But in Wyoming spring is not the end but a cruel practical joke. Here are 5 spring time in Wyoming jokes to help you make it through.
1). Spring is in the air and in Wyoming you better smell if fast, because that air is moving at 65 mph.
2). We went form getting stuck in the snow to stuck in the mud. It must be spring time in Wyoming.
3). I should have known better. The sun was shining, grass looks a little greener, it appeared warm outside. So I opened the front door and snow blew in. That is how Wyoming springtime suckers a person.
4). Flowers and budding, tourist are coming, jackalopes are rutting. It must be springtime in Wyoming.
5). The old lady saw the snow and said, 'We haven't had that in a while.' By a while she meant 34 seconds ago.