5 Weird Things On Wyoming’s Craigslist
Lets say this up front, there are a few areas on Cragislist we will not investigate. Those places are inappropriate and even scary.
But there are a few areas that are just weird enough to talk about. Here are 5 strange items found on Wyoming's Craigslist.
1). Scrapping Partner. I'm new in town and I am looking for someone to scrap with me. Can recycle some and repurpose the rest. I'm mainly interested in Solar Energy. Like solar panels made from scrap materials(ie: scrap large TV and there is a lens inside that you can use for solar energy. Truck and trailer would be great(mine is being used)
2). Lost Cat black and white with mustache
Lost this evening. Is black and white and has a mustache. Named Selleck, wearing a blue and white collar with a bow tie, lost on Columbine.
3). Stop fighting spooks and start fighting the bosses.
Seriously, can you imagine how much 7 billion people could get done if they were working together instead of coming up with arbitrary reasons to hate each other? I could be living on Mars with my robotic catgirl if it weren't for you fascists, centrist appeasers, and liberal bougies. Hail Satan, eat the rich, bread is good.
4). 5 FREE compact fluorescent light bulbs.
2 - 13 watt. 2 - 15 watt. 1 - 20 watt. E26 medium / standard base. Just tested them and they all work
5). Build your own 6x6 ATV plans - $15.
Build your own 6x6 ATV out of lawnmower parts. Visit our site for more pictures, specs, and ordering information. Buildyourown6x6.com