It might surprise some to learn that folks in Florida spray fake snow on their windows and inflate big balloon snowmen in their yards around Christmas time. They also sprinkle fake snow on the ground and hang fake icicles. Does anyone in Wyoming carve coconuts or decorate palm trees?

Here in Wyoming, we decorate Wyoming style. Everyone else copies us.

It's easy to decorate a Wyoming Christmas tree. Just ask, is it cowboy enough?

1. Let's start with the lights. Get the ones made from spent shotgun shells.

2. Don't wrap the tree with a popcorn chain or a paper chain. Use a lasso and rope.

3. Take those old boring Christmas balls and wrap them in handkerchiefs. Or maybe blue jeans.

4. Don't forget to top the tree with a cowboy hat.

5. One last suggestion for the fireplace. Forget stockings. Hang cowboy boots by their straps.


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