Efforts to remove dangerous trees left ruined by previous fires, continue as a part of a mixed group of safety, reclamation and training programs at the Wyoming National Guard’s Camp Guernsey Joint Training Center.

According to a news release,  a team of Smokebusters, Wyoming inmates learning to be wildland firefighters, cleared trees, logs and brush from roadways and trails in parts of Sawmill Canyon recently added to the camp.  The trees, some blackened and others gray from fire damage, lined the single easement into and out of that section of the canyon.

Camp Guernsey Commander, Col. Richard Knowlton,  said there are multiple hazards – from the trees and logs falling onto people, or blocking the road, to the brush catching fire and preventing fire crews from entering, or escaping along the roadway. It also prevents injuries from rolling and falling branches and tree trunk.

Col. Knowlton said removing the trees and allowing the remaining debris to re-fertilize the soil is one step in the process of encouraging native seed growth to begin before plants like cheat grass can take hold.

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