(Frosty Wooldridge is an author/columnist/former educator/public speaker and world traveler and will be host  Dave Chaffin's guest at 7:07AM MST Monday on KGAB's Morning Zone Program.)

By Frosty Wooldridge~~

It takes courage to deal with reality.  It takes intelligence to understand humanity’s overpopulation predicament in the 21st century.  From 1.5 billion humans 100 years ago, humans exploded to 7.1 billion on their way to over 10.1 billion within 38 years.  What allowed this explosion of humanity? Answer: oil.  That single energy-slave allowed tractors to feed billions. But, we face the end of oil within four decades.  Once exhausted, we are left without the energy slave of oil.


“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we do this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive?  As we both know there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy now, much less for the 9 billion expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going. We are involved in a Faustian bargain—selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price has to be paid.”  Walter Youngquist, energy  


The United States, already living beyond its carrying capacity, rides a thin rail into the 21st century as to sustainability and as to maintaining a functioning civilization.  It cannot provide its own oil, but must import 70 percent daily.  It’s overburdened cities cannot sustain themselves with the enormous amount of oil, gas, natural gas and coal to pump the energy and food into them.  The damage their “ecological footprint” causes worldwide grows with each addition.   Their “carbon footprint” exceeds anything nature can digest.


“The ship is already starting to spin out of control.  We may soon lose all chance of grabbing the wheel. Humanity faces a genuinely new situation.  It is not an environmental crisis in the accepted sense. It is a crisis for the entire life-support system for our civilization and our species.”  Fred Pearce, The Last Generation: How Nature Will take Her Revenge for Climate Change

Yet, most Americans and intellectual troglodytes refuse to face the facts. It takes courage, but most lack courage.  However, courage must be summoned and regained if we Americans expect to provide for their children—a sustainable civilization.


You are invited to watch these three seven minute videos to educate yourself to our future as a species on this planet.  We must come to terms with stabilizing our numbers or face Mother Nature’s wrath.


Dr. Jack Alpert, the environmental/population Einstein of the 21st century shows you in vivid detail what we face and what me must do to ensure humanity’s existence in the 21st century.


Jack Alpert PhD
Director:      Stanford Knowledge Integration Laboratory


Too Many People Video series

How Much Degrowth is Enough?       "NEW"                  Sept. 2012

The Human Predicament and What to Do About It          Feb. 2012

Overpopulation Means Civilization Collapse                    Aug. 2011


After you watch and learn, you may take action:

Additionally, for the United States, these two videos by Roy Beck, www.NumbersUSA.org will bring America’s plight into graphic reality.

The good news: you can join www.NumbersUSA.org to become part of an army of Americans who care about the future of their children, our environment and sustainability.

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org


You may also join www.CapsWeb.org ; www.TheSocialContract.com ; www.FAIRUS.org to make a difference and join over 1.5 million Americans who care about the future and their children’s future.

If you are living in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia or all of Europe, these videos pertain to you and your children.  Overpopulation will become the greatest dilemma facing humanity in all of history.  Either we solve it gracefully, or Mother Nature will solve it brutally.   We must call for all leaders of the world to address human overpopulation. We must call for human population stabilization.

If  not, Mother Nature will presume that you chose to increase your numbers beyond her ability to feed, water, warm, house and transport your numbers.  Once you do that, she will act swiftly, without mercy and with deadly intent.  Mother Nature always bats last.

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as eight times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. In 2012, he bicycled coast to coast across America.  His latest book is: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715/ Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge,

By Frosty Wooldridge

Each day, the United States adds another 8,100 people, net gain, to its already overpopulated 315 million citizens.  Each year, America adds another 3.1 million on its way to adding 138 million more people by 2050—a scant 38 years from now. 

Each day, the world population adds another 240,000 people, net gain to total 80 million more starving and desperate humans on the planet, annually.  Every 12 years, humanity adds another 1 billion people on its way to 10.1 billion in 38 years.  The environmental damage caused by such numbers staggers even the simplest of minds. 

"The raging monster upon the land is population growth. In its presence, sustainability is but a fragile theoretical construct.  To say, as many do, that the difficulties of nations are not due to people, but to poor ideology and land-use management is sophistic.”  Harvard scholar and biologist Dr. E.O. Wilson 

Each day, Americans and all humans on six continents face less water, less arable land, less energy, less resources and less food.  They face more starvation, more wars for resources and more misery on a scale unheard of in history—yet, humans keep chugging up their numbers as if no tomorrow will come.  They keep burning gas at 84 million barrels per day and billions of tons of coal as if they can deluge the planet with their carbon output with no consequences. www.350.org

Lester Brown, author of Plan B 4.0 Saving Civilization said, “The world has set in motion environmental trends that are threatening civilization itself.  We are crossing environmental thresholds and violating deadlines set by nature. Nature is the timekeeper, but we cannot see the clock.” 

Few understand and most do nothing.  Leaders avoid, evade and ignore the human population juggernaut.  All to everyone’s peril!  Denial remains the easiest and most potent method for ignoring what we face in the very near future, i.e., more Katrina’s, more Sandy’s, more tornadoes, more droughts and more starvation for humans. BTW, the World Health Organization documents 18 million humans suffer death through starvation annually. Those moribund numbers will rise as humanity’s numbers rise.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Since it’s difficult to “imagine” these catastrophic conditions nationwide, you may educate yourself and others with the following videos. Dr. Jack Alpert brings humanity’s plight to logical and understandable reality.  In his three brilliant videos, he spells it out. 

Jack Alpert          PhD: Director: Stanford Knowledge Integration Laboratory

Too Many People Video series

How Much Degrowth is Enough?     "NEW"                 Sept. 2012

The Human Predicament and What to Do About It       Feb. 2012

Overpopulation Means Civilization Collapse                Aug. 2011

 Additionally, for the United States, these two videos by Roy Beck, www.NumbersUSA.org will bring America’s plight into graphic reality.

The good news: you can join www.NumbersUSA.org to become part of an army of Americans who care about the future of their children, our environment and sustainability.


In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

If you are living in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia or all of Europe, these videos pertain to you and your children.  Overpopulation will become the greatest dilemma facing humanity in all of history.  Either we solve it gracefully, or Mother Nature will solve it brutally.   We must call for all leaders of the world to address human overpopulation. We must call for human population stabilization.

If  not, Mother Nature will presume that you chose to increase your numbers beyond her ability to feed, water, warm, house and transport your numbers.  Once you do that, she will act swiftly, without mercy and with deadly intent.  Mother Nature always bats last.

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as eight times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. In 2012, he bicycled coast to coast across America.  His latest book is: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715/ Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge,

Faustian Bargain with Hobson’s Choice headed toward USA

By Frosty Wooldridge

“With the demonizing of Mitt Romney by the liberal media, America lost the unique chance to have a decent president,” said Victor Alcazar, Greeley, Colorado.  “By re-electing an incompetent president, America also lost its greatness.  I’m a retired citizen of this country and I’m beginning to lose faith in the American people.”

Four years ago, Barack Obama promised hope and change.  We suffered 14 million unemployed and 7 million under-employed.  We suffered a $700 billion annual trade debt.  We suffered $12 trillion national debt.   We suffered 36 million Americans subsisting on food stamps.  Thousands of our finest young people sacrificed their lives in the 7 year old and totally useless Afghanistan War.  We faced over 20 million illegal aliens living and working in our country at a cost of over $346 billion annually to tax payers.  They undercut American jobs.   (Source: Edwin Rubenstein, economist, www.TheSocialContract.com) We faced environmental, energy and resource issues that threaten (d) to overwhelm our civilization.

In 2012, the American people re-elected an incompetent man back into the White House while we  re-elected most of the incompetent congressmen and senators who jammed us into this predicament in the first place.

Albert Einstein said, “Insanity can be defined as a person or persons doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome.”

Are the American people, both liberal and conservative or independents THAT stupid to prove Einstein’s dictum?  Answer: yes!

Einstein also said, “The problems in the world today are so enormous, they cannot be solved with the level of thinking that created them.”

Obviously, if we re-elected the same incompetent Obama into the same position of president of the United States, and he failed in the first four years—he most certainly will fail in the next four years.   He lacks the intellectual, educational and business dynamics to garner experts and specialists to succeed.

He did nothing to solve our unemployment crisis.  He did nothing to secure our borders, but he did sue states that tried to protect themselves from illegal aliens taking jobs from Americans.  He did keep the Afghanistan War ongoing and costing us billions upon billions of dollars.  He kept the $700 billion annual trade deficit on-going while making China rich and our country poor and unemployed.  If he showed competence, he would have instituted “Fair trade” instead of continuing “Free trade.”

If he showed competence, he would not have put us another $4 trillion in debt, but he would have paid down the debt.  Instead, projections show he will add another $4 trillion to top $20 trillion national debt in 2016.

Our second president, John Adams, said, “There are two ways to defeat a country: by the sword and by debt.”   We face horrific consequences, but we re-elected an incompetent “community organizer” to run a multi-trillion dollar country.  Obama represents a Volkswagen racing on the Indianapolis 500 track.  Because he doesn’t stand a chance, we don’t either.

With 36 million Americans subsisting on food stamps four years ago, Obama celebrates that we now feed 47 million Americans eating off the backs of taxpayers.  Did he produce jobs for those 47 million?  No, he didn’t.   He could have if he showed competence, but he didn’t because he lacks competence.

Where does it leave us?  For all the welfare, food stamps, debt, war and dozens of other problems, he borrowed money, did not produce jobs and put more people on welfare than any other president in history.

Faustian Bargain with Hobson’s Choice as a result
We re-elected a man who lives by the Faustian Bargain:  which means we sold our soul for the moment to save ourselves for the moment, but Obama created an even bigger debacle for future generations.   All the non-taxpayers feeding at the welfare trough grow more than the rest of us who work to pay for that 47 percent.  What happens when that 47 percent becomes 51 percent?

At some point, and that point races toward us at breakneck speed, we face Hobson’s Choice:  which means, we have raced our car so fast toward the cliff at 100 miles another than no amount of breaking will save us.  We have two choices, we will careen over the cliff to certain destruction or we can jump out, but we will still slide over the cliff with the momentum of our bodies (country) at 100 miles per hour.

It’s beyond me how and why an entire American people could re-elect known incompetence and a known failure back into the White House to lead a formerly solvent country into $20 trillion in debt and ultimately breakdown and destruction via Hobson’s Choice.

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