Wyoming Marines Yesterday & Today – HEROES
They are the ones who bust down the doors when it’s time to take on evil. They are the ones who put the good of others above their own safety, even above their own lives. They are The United States Marines, fighting for what is right. Just because they are no longer on active duty, many still serve us in many ways, and that includes children who may not have a very merry Christmas.
The Marine Corps Reserve and many Volunteers who make Toys for Tots possible year after year believe "Every Child Deserves a Little Christmas" and they are here to help make this possible. Toys For Tots was born on December 10, 1946. Happy anniversary!
On Friday, December 9, I had the privilege of helping these Marines battle heartbreak in children by collecting toys in front of Menards. With almost a thousand children registered (had to be done by end of October) they stand ready to help in any kind of weather.
You can help by donating a new, unwrapped toy or make a cash donation and brighten the life of a child who may not get a single present to open on Christmas morning. I hope you will help the Marines help children.
Toys For Tots is a Top-Rated Charity
Over 97% of your donations goes to our mission of providing toys, books, and other gifts to less fortunate children.
Less than 3% is spent on fundraising and overhead
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