Wyoming Legislature To Convene Budget Session On Feb. 14
The Wyoming Legislature is slated to convene a roughly 20-day budget session in Cheyenne on Feb. 14.
The legislature alternates budget sessions in even-numbered years with general sessions in odd-number years. The budget session, in theory, is devoted to developing a state budget for Wyoming, while the general session, which runs 40 days, works on legislation not directly related to the budget.
However, in recent years there has been a general trend towards taking up more non-budget bills during budget sessions. Non-budget items need a 2/3 majority vote for introduction during a budget session to be considered.
A proposed constitutional amendment to erase that barrier passed the Wyoming House in 2020 but failed to win final approval. Even so, numerous non-budget bills have already been proposed this session, dealing with everything from whether mugshots of people not convicted of crimes should be released to the public to whether people who are born as males should be allowed to play women's sports.
Since Feb. 18 is the deadline for introducing bills, it's likely that more legislation, dealing with budget items and otherwise, will be introduced in the upcoming session.
As of Friday morning [Feb. 4], a total of 62 bills and two joint resolutions had been filed in the 60-member Wyoming House of Representatives. A total of 54 bills had been filed in the 30-member Wyoming Senate.
You can see a complete list of bills that have been filed here.
Here is the tentative schedule for the 2022 Budget Session of the Wyoming Legislature [subject to change without notice] according to the legislative website, wyoleg.gov:
Day 1 Monday, February 14 Session convenes 10:00 a.m.
Day 3 Wednesday, February 16 Noon deadline for all bill drafts to be in final form at LSO.
Day 5 Friday, February 18: last day for bill introduction
Day 6 Monday, February 21: Budget Bill, Committee of the Whole
Day 7 Tuesday, February 22: Budget Bill, Committee Of The Whole Continued
Day 8 Wednesday, February 23: Last day for bill introductions. President’s Day-No Holiday Recess Budget Bill-Committee of the Whole Budget Bill-Committee of the Whole, continued Budget Bill-Second Reading
Day 9 Thursday, February 24: Last day for bills to be reported out of Committee in House of Origin.
Day 10 Friday, February 25: Last day for Committee of the Whole in House of Origin. Budget Bill-Third Reading
Day 11 Monday, February 28: Last day for 2nd Reading in House of Origin.
Day 12 Tuesday, March 1:Last day for third reading for bills in house of origin
Day 15 Friday, March 4 Last day for 3rd Reading on bills in House of Origin. [CROSS-OVER] Budget Bill-JCC Deadline Interim Topic Request Form Deadline, 4 p.m.
Day 16 Monday, March 7 Last day for bills to be reported out of Committee in second house. Budget Bill-Adoption of JCC Report Deadline
Day 17 Tuesday, March 8 Last day for Committee of Whole on bills in second house.
Day 18 Wednesday, March 9 Last day for 2nd Reading on bills in second house.
Day 19 Thursday, March 10 Last day for 3rd Reading on bills in second house.
Day 20 Friday, March 11 Joint Conference Committee Reports; All JCC Reports due to Front Desk by 2:00 p.m. Adjourn by midnight.
You can monitor proceedings of the House and Senate on the Wyoming Legislature youtube channel
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