Wyoming Governor Explains Not Signing ‘Stand Your Ground’ [Video]
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead says he didn't sign the ''stand your ground'' bill passed by state lawmakers in part because he wanted to send a message about what he considers overaggressive lobbying on the bill.
Although the governor didn't sign House Bill 168, he also chose not to veto the measure, which means it became law without his signature.
On KGAB-AM on Thursday morning in Cheyenne, the governor said he has probably signed more gun bills into law than any previous Wyoming governor. He also said one reason he didn't sign the measure is that he doesn't believe the bill really changes current Wyoming law on self-defense all that much.
But Governor Mead said the other reason was that ''I thought that some of the groups during the session went a little overboard in terms of how they were trying to lobby the legislators. And I wanted to send that message." He went on to say that while he understands lawmakers are going to get lobbied, he feels it should be done "in a professional way that seems non-threatening."
While the governor during his interview on Thursday didn't name any specific group that he felt had been overly aggressive, some Senators during debate on the measure said they had received messages from the National Rifle Association and Wyoming Gun Owners that attempts to amend the bill would be perceived as ''anti-gun." While the bill was amended from its original form, it did eventually pass both houses of the legislature.
The bill's primary sponsor, Sen. Anthony Bouchard [R-Laramie County], said that while he was not entirely happy with some of the changes made in the bill along the way, further changes produced a bill he is pleased with.
The legislation essentially says people who are attacked in public do not have to retreat before resorting to deadly force to defend themselves.
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