Weld County Sheriff Says Antifa Disrupted Law Enforcement Rally
Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams says Antifa was allowed to disrupt a law enforcement rally in Denver over the weekend while Denver Police stood by and did nothing.
The rally, the sixth annual ''Colorado Law Enforcement Appreciation Rally'', was held on Sunday in Denver
Reams posted the following comments on his ''Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams" Facebook page on Sunday:
''I went down to the State Capital to participate in a rally to support law enforcement; this being 6th annual event. To say that I was disappointed to see the downtown area of Denver would be a huge understatement. Homeless camps all over the place, windows boarded up on the Capitol building, graffiti EVERYWHERE, and piles of human waste in public areas.
As we started the rally, the organizer of the event was getting text messages from his contact at the Denver Police Department warning that Antifa was coming and that they would be taking no action to stop them. As you can predict, the rioters came into the event and became completely disruptive and hostile; physically combative in some areas. About 10 minutes later, a riot control squad from DPD showed up and basically stood around as they were obviously given no authority to engage the rioters who were disrupting an event that had been PERMITTED by the city.
The take away from this is sad and it screams of the consequences that occur when lawlessness is allowed. Our Capital city of Denver is an embarrassment. At some point I hope this state has an awakening to elect leaders that will not let our State be taken over by radical thugs; Denver is dying a slow death.''

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