There are many different ways to give on May 8, which is also known as Cheyenne Day of Giving. Besides underwear and glasses, bone marrow donors are needed also. Kristina, from the Ft. Collins area, maybe didn't realize that someone overseas might have their life saved by her donating her bone marrow. She was afraid of needles, but went on ahead and signed up on the register.

The day came, in the fall of 2013, when someone needed her match. She was able to help save a life by having her cells filtered out of her circulating blood, with no operation.

The Bonfils Center in Denver took her stem cells and flew them overseas, where they were infused into the patient with whom she matched. A life was saved that day, when the infusion was the transplant for the patient.

If this was your spouse, child or loved one, you would be grateful. That is why the Cheyenne Day of Giving is asking you to consider signing up on the bone marrow register.

In order to sign up, you must between the ages of 18 and 44 years old and in good health. It costs nothing to register. All one must do is fill out a confidential health questionnaire and do four cheek swabs.

For more information, call Caroline Veit at 307-635-3943



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