Thankful Thursday Raises Big Bucks For Brian Scott Gamroth Stage
A huge crowd turned out for the Thankful Thursday on May 11th and raised more than $33,000 for the Brian Scott Gamroth Stage at David Street Station. According to Casper's Downtown Development Authority, this leaves just under $20,000 dollars left to raise to complete the funding for the community stage being built in the memory of K2 Radio's Brian Scott, who died tragically in a motorcycle accident last fall.
Another event to remember Brian and donate to the stage will be held Saturday, May 12th. People are invited to come to David Street Station to "Sign The Steel". They'll be able to sign the steel beams of the stage before they're encased in wood, and volunteers will be on hand to accept donations to help complete the community match challenge.
"Sign The Steel" will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and folks are asked to enter at the corner of Ash St. and West Yellowstone.
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