People whose records may have been accessed are being sent notification letters and the hospital has set up an assistance line at (307) 633-7526 to answer questions.
If officers wore body cameras, they could use that technology to clear themselves from frivolous lawsuits, Casper Police Chief Jim Wetzel said Tuesday.
A Casper, Wyo., couple suing furniture renter Aaron's Inc., alleges that the spyware installed on leased computers secretly sent 18,500 emails to the company containing sensitive information.
Each week, we invite one listener to bring in his or her sick computer for us to work on. This week, Dale brought in an ill Dell with Windows XP, infected with the nasty FBI MoneyPak virus that demanded he pay $200 before unlocking his computer.
Dale brought his computer into the Corral yesterday and asked us to fix it without losing all of his personal files. "We'll see what we can do,"