
Did Facebook Release Your Private Information?
Did Facebook Release Your Private Information?
Did Facebook Release Your Private Information?
Monday afternoon, we posted a story about Facebook inadvertently publishing many users' private messages in their Timeline history. Facebook subsequently claimed the mix-up was a false alarm: people were mis-remembering old wall posts as private messages. Many Facebook users, however, continued to claim they had in fact had private messages released into the wild. I remain uncertain about my own T
UPDATED: Facebook Says Privacy Breach ‘False’ Rumor – BBC
UPDATED: Facebook Says Privacy Breach ‘False’ Rumor – BBC
UPDATED: Facebook Says Privacy Breach ‘False’ Rumor – BBC
Update: The BBC is reporting the  postings are actually public posts. It can be difficult to remember what's public and what's not when dealing with messages/posts that are four or five years old. But this is a good reminder that anything on the internet - even if you think it to be private - probably isn't.