In the wake of Governor Gordon petitioning to have the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear de-listed, as well as petitioning to give Wyoming management over the grizzly bear population, Liz Cheney has released a statement in agreement of the Governor's actions.
If nonnative mussels are detected in Yellowstone, a closure to all watercraft (except authorized National Park Service boats) would occur to prevent the spread to other waterways.
Federal land managers within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are asking the public to help them assess the ecosystem issues they focus on, and to build stronger relationships in the future.
Researchers say grizzly bear deaths have declined more than 50-percent this year in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) generated over $2.8 million for leasing rights on parcels offered at the agency's quarterly federal oil and gas lease auction held Tuesday...
Biologists say non-native mountain goats have gained a foothold in parts of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and could threaten native bighorn sheep. Doug Randall reports. U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials say they plan to investigate whether inhalable caffeine, is safe for consumers and if its manufacturer was right to brand it as a dietary supplement. Click past the jump to listen to