Grim Western Fire Season Starts Much Drier Than Record 2020Grim Western Fire Season Starts Much Drier Than Record 2020Measurements show soil and plants are much drier, making trees and brush more likely to ignite and fire to spread.Associated PressAssociated Press
Yellowstone’s Wildfire Season Begins With Two Small FiresYellowstone’s Wildfire Season Begins With Two Small FiresThe park lists its current fire danger as high.Tom MortonTom Morton
Federal Officials: Firefighters Ready Despite ShutdownFederal Officials: Firefighters Ready Despite ShutdownFire danger remains fairly low and the region has seen few wildfires.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming Expects Average Conditions for WildfiresWyoming Expects Average Conditions for WildfiresHe says the state will likely see wildfires, but the blazes probably won't reach the extent of last year.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wet Weather May Help FirefightersWet Weather May Help FirefightersWhile the rain won't put the fire out, Day says it will help firefighters in their battle against the blaze.Doug RandallDoug Randall
Wyoming 2017 Wildfire Season Saw Many Relatively Small FiresWyoming 2017 Wildfire Season Saw Many Relatively Small FiresYellowstone National Park recorded only eight fires that burned less than one acre in 2017.Associated PressAssociated Press
1 Acre of Land Burned in Yellowstone During 2017 Fire Season1 Acre of Land Burned in Yellowstone During 2017 Fire SeasonYellowstone officials say the park had eight fires this season, six of which were caused by humans and two that were started by lightning.Associated PressAssociated Press
Fire Risk High in California, Northwest, Northern WyomingFire Risk High in California, Northwest, Northern WyomingA severe drought in eastern Montana and the western Dakotas is making the fire danger worse.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming Weatherman: Wet Weather Should Delay Fire SeasonWyoming Weatherman: Wet Weather Should Delay Fire SeasonThe wet spring could be a good news/bad news situation for the summer fire season.Doug RandallDoug Randall
Gradual ImprovementGradual ImprovementThe economy isn't improving a lot, but it is gradually getting a little better according to Jim Robinson.Doug RandallDoug Randall