Suicide Prevention Training Available for State Employees
Governor Matt Mead is urging state employees to complete suicide prevention training offered online through the Wyoming Department of Health.
Mead believes state employees can make a difference in the fight against suicide.
"To prevent suicide we must equip people to recognize the warning signs," said Mead. "More people trained in suicide identification and prevention gives us a better chance to make a difference."
The program takes approximately an hour to complete. "Question, Persuade and Refer (QRP)" is a nationally recognized, evidence-based practice that trains people how to recognize and intervene in a suicide crisis:
- Question a person’s desire or intent regarding suicide
- Persuade a person to seek and accept help
- Refer a person to appropriate resources
"Suicide is an issue that affects us all," said Mead. "Knowing the signs and getting a person to the help they need may save their life."
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