Visitors to Wyoming state parks and historic sites are urged to keep vehicles on roads and designated parking areas and away from tall grassy areas.

Also, beginning noon today, Boysen State Park will operate under a complete open fire ban with only charcoal grills with a lid and propane grills allowed throughout the park. Exhaust pipes and other engine parts on the undercarriage of vehicles can get extremely hot and can easily start a fire in areas with tall grass. During the past week, a hot exhaust pipe and dry, tall grass combined to start a small grass fire just east of Keyhole State Park. Also, again as a reminder, use and possession of fireworks in all state parks and historic sites is illegal.  The fireworks display previously scheduled for Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis has been cancelled.

A list of sites and description of open fire bans follows:

Boysen, Glendo, Guernsey, Hawk Springs, Curt Gowdy, Medicine Lodge, Hot Springs, Seminoe and Sinks Canyon State Parks– open fire ban. All campfires are prohibited. Charcoal grills with a lid and propane grills are allowed

Bear River and Keyhole State Park-- open fire ban. All campfires and charcoal grills are prohibited. Propane grills are allowed

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