Record of Decision to Address Arsenic in Groundwater on F.E. Warren Available
The U.S. Air Force announces the availability of the Record of Decision for addressing arsenic in groundwater in the southern portion of F.E. Warren AFB near Crow Creek and Diamond Creek, which is approximately 18 acres.
The U.S. Air Force, with the concurrence of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, plans to use a mixture of iron chelate and hydrogen peroxide to draw-out the arsenic in the groundwater. The cost of the project is roughly $2.9 million and will begin Fall 2013. The monitoring period will be five years.
On- and off-base drinking water is not affected. Crow and Diamond Creek are not contaminated. This area of land held a former storage container area that was removed in 1976 where the contents are unknown, as well as a vehicle repair area that has been used since the 1960s.
The public was given the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Air Force’s proposed plan Oct. 15 through Nov. 15, 2012, along with a public meeting Oct. 23, 2012. A transcript of the public meeting is provided in the Record of Decision. Copies of the Proposed Plan and Record of Decision have been placed in the Information Repository and are available for public review at the Laramie County Library.
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