It's purrrfect day for celebrating your feline. Today is National Cat day. Cats are not always jerks like the internet wants you to believe. They are great companions and often take care of themselves more then a dog. Some scientists have actually found the the sound of a purr has healing power. Just remember that next time your cat plops on your lap and purrs away, it is healthy. The purr can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and reduce swelling. Cats have yet to make it into sports medicine, but it could happen...

Gemma Busquets
Gemma Busquets
loading... has some recommendations on how to celebrate the day. That you could help the elderly changing their cat box. Or adopt a cat from a shelter. Keep it simple and get your cat a new toy or tasty treat. Maybe you could make some cat shaped cookies. You could throw a cat themed party. Or paint your face like a cat. I suggest take a long nap in the sun.

Don't forget the wise word from Bob Barker always said, make sure to get your pet spayed or neutered.Well enough words here is a cat video.

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