With all the talk about the 2017 Solar Eclipse, it would be easy to miss the news about the Perseid meteor shower. It is one of the largest meteor showers of the year, and it will be visible in Wyoming this weekend. Although this astronomical event is not as rare as a total eclipse of the sun, it is still a spectacular sight to behold.

According to scientists at NASA, the Perseid meteor shower will peak in the morning hours on the 12th, but the shower will be visible all weekend. Make sure to look to the north near the constellation Perseus to get the chance to see nearly 150 shooting stars per hour.

The best time to see shooting stars is late at night or before the sunrise in the early morning. The moon's light will reduce the visibility of the shower this year, but there are exact times for the moon rise and set at TimeandDate.com.

Thankfully, Wyoming's low population makes it easier to find a place with good visibility. The best place is away from towns and cities to avoid light pollution. There are even light pollution maps that can help you find a good area to view the meteor shower.

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