Patrick Collins, Chuck Gray On Weekend In Wyoming Saturday
A candidate for Mayor Of Cheyenne and a Wyoming legislator who would like to see a tax holiday for Wyoming residents will be among the guests on the ''Weekend in Wyoming' program on KGAB, AM 650 on Saturday.
Former Cheyenne City Councilman Patrick Collins will join us at 11:05 a.m. Collins, who is running against incumbent Mayor Marian Orr and local businessman Rick Coppinger for a term as mayor starting in early 2021. At 11:30, we'll chat with Wyoming
State Parks Deputy Director Nick Neylon about visitation to state parks, which has remained strong despite--or maybe because of--the COVID-19 pandemic.
At 12:05 p.m.. our guest will be Wyoming Rep. Chuck Gray [R-Natrona County]. Rep. Gray will be discussing his proposal to give Wyoming taxpayers a holiday from paying property and sales taxes. Gray put forward a similar amendment in the recent special session fo the legislature which failed, but he has vowed to try again. We'll also chat about the state's budget challenges moving forward and what can be done about them.
And we'll wrap up the show at 12;30 with an interview with Catherine Wissner, University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Agent for Laramie County. She'll be discussing lawn pests and what you can do about them. All of our guests will be available to take calls at 632-3323.
Join us for Weekend in Wyoming, Saturday from 11 am until 1 p.m. on AM 65O, KGAB!
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