Online Poll: Should Wyoming Pass A Heartbeat Abortion Law?
A leading Wyoming pro-life legislator recently said he thinks Wyoming should have a ''heartbeat abortion law," similar to one that recently took effect in the state of Texas.
Rep. Chuck Gray [R-Casper], posted on Facebook on Sept. 1 ''We must pass this piece of legislation.''
Gray posted the following comments on his Facebook page on Sept. 1:
''Great news that Texas’ heartbeat bill went into effect today. This statute has already saved lives and will continue to save lives.
This year, I was the lead sponsor of a heartbeat bill in the Wyoming state legislature (HB134). The bill passed committee 7-2 but was not allowed to be brought to the floor. We must pass this piece of legislation.''
According to the Associated Press, the Texas law:
''would prohibit abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks and before most women even know they’re pregnant."
Is this something you would support? Take our poll and give us your opinion.
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