Laramie Road Closure! 9th Street and Harney
The City of Laramie announced that 9th Street between Harney Street and Shield Street will be closed starting on Monday, June 6. The street is closed for a reconstruction project.
Reconstruction Project Details
The 9th Street Project includes concrete improvements of the gutter, sidewalk, and curb, as well as reconstruction of the roadway.
How Long Will the 9th Street Reconstruction Project Last?
The City of Laramie's Construction website indicates the project should be done sometime in the Fall of 2022.
How Will the Construction Impact Routes?
9th Street from Harney to Shields will be closed to through traffic. Access will remain available on side streets. There shouldn't be any water shut-offs involved with the projects.
Notable Detours
Based on the map from the city shows detours on Shields, Gibbon, Harney, Sully, and Baker streets.
More Information
For more information regarding the closure of Harney Street, click here.
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