Laramie County School District#2 Issues Coronavirus Statement
Laramie County School District#2 has issued a coronavirus statement on its website.
The statement includes the following:
- All out of district travel for students/groups will be suspended until further notice. In district travel will still be permitted.
- School busses will be sanitized twice per day after each unloading.
- Drivers will be vigilant for any students who appear sick and will notify the school office and the Transportation Director upon unloading students. Office staff/School Nurses will check students for temperatures and illness symptoms. Parents have previously been directed to keep students home if they have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher.
- Some food services will be limited to alleviate possible transmission routes. Share tables will be suspended until further notice, and salad bar items will be served by food service staff on the line, rather than available on the self-serve salad carts. Breakfast in the classroom will still be provided, however teachers will be vigilant for any students who appear ill and will hand out bags rather than allow students to pull them out themselves.
- High use areas such as doors and door handles will be disinfected regularly throughout the day.
- Classroom desks will be disinfected daily in elementary schools, or more if students change classrooms, and between classes for high school students.
- Elementary students will be directed to wash their hands well before and after recess, PE and lunch.
- Classrooms will suspend the use of shared items such as shared pencil boxes. Manipulatives will be cleaned between uses.
- Students and staff need to be conscientious about keeping their computers and Chromebooks clean.
- Any major events that we are unable to hold traditionally, we will make every effort to televise.
- At the current time classes will be held as scheduled.
To reiterate, this is a very fluid situation and things can rapidly change and we will keep everyone updated.
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