Is It Normal for Wyoming to Have Multiple Tornadoes in May?
May weather in Wyoming has been pretty wild this year. We've had buckets and buckets of rain, wicked hail storms, flash flooding, and balmy heat typically associated with June. And on top of that, we've had tornadoes.
Now, an errant May tornado isn't abnormal here in Wyoming. But it seems like we've had more landspouts and twisters this spring than normal.
Is Wyoming Experiencing Abnormal Tornado Activity?
As of today, Wyoming has experienced at least four recorded landspouts between Laramie, Cheyenne, and Casper. CBS Colorado also reports the possibility of two full-blown tornadoes near Douglas, Wyoming.
The worst tornadoes to strike the Cowboy State in documented history occurred in June, July, and August. Cheyenne residents may remember the tornado, generally known as the biggest to hit Wyoming, that swept through the city on July 16, 1979. May isn't a month where devastating tornados typically occur, based on existing data.
However, according to meteorologist Don Day, spring is the optimal time for tornadoes in Wyoming. Don explained, "Springtime is when we do tend to see landspouts more frequently, along with tornadoes. [The] season for both is usually late May into early September. [Wyoming] tends to have landspouts more frequently in spring when the air is more moist, and they are easier to see."
- Indoors:
- Go to the lowest floor of the building. Find a hallway, interior closet, or stairwell with no windows.
- Crouch or sit on the floor.
- Cover the base of your skull with your hands or something soft.
- Outdoors:
- If unable to get indoors, seek the lowest point on the ground around you. Get as far away from trees, cars, or debris as possible. Lie flat and face down on the ground.
- Cover the back of your neck/head with your hands and arms.
- Vehicles:
- Avoid sheltering in a vehicle, which can prove dangerous in the event of a tornado. Vehicles can be blown away from the road; glass can be shattered by debris, etc.
May 24 Landspout Spirals Over Cheyenne
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