With the holiday season upon us once again, we started wondering how people in 21st-century America  tryically refer to the season.

For example, do you wish people a "Merry Christmas?" Or do you opt for the more politically correct, but less specific ''Happy Holidays?" Or do you avoid the whole topic entirely?

Or does it really matter to you?

Why Merry Christmas?

Traditionalists and devout Christians tend to favor ''Merry Christmas.'' As you sometimes see it said "Don't take Christ our of Christmas." Some feel ''Happy Holidays" does exaclty that. Besides, people have said Merry Christmas for generations.

To many folks, doing away with that tradition is just another example of ''woke" political correctness trying to fix a problem that doesn't actually exist.

Why Happy Holidays?

But others feel ''Happy Holiday'' is more inclusive. And ''Happy Holidays" does include Christmas. And what about ''New Years Day?' That's a holiday too

And after all Jewish people are celebrating Hannukkah this time of year. And what about folks who are not especially religious at all. Shouldn't they be included in our wishes for a joyous time of year for all?

Other traditions around the world are observing various holidays too, like ''Kwanza."

Then again, maybe it doesn't really matter, so let's not make a big deal out of the whole thing. Both greetings are well intentioned, so maybe we shouldn't divide people over a personal preference.

Take our survey and let us know what you think. We'll publish the results of our survey in a few days.

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Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore, Townsquare Media

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