Cheyenne Supply Drive Expected To Help 1000 Students
During the 25th annual Operation Back to School (OBTS) supply drive, F.E. Warren Air Force Base and the Cheyenne community donated a generous amount of school supplies for Laramie County students in need, according to local education officials
Public donation bins were located at Needs Inc., LCCC, Laramie County Library, Laramie County School District 1 Administration Building and F.E. Warren Air Force Base.
Supplies were given out, on August 8th, but students will continue to be helped throughout the school year.
So far, 175 elementary and 125 junior high, high school and college students have been received school supplies.
The committee will also buy TI84 calculators for Laramie County School District 1 and 2 high school loan-out programs as well as Laramie County Community College’s program. It's expected that by the end of this year’s campaign more than 1,000 students will receive assistance.
OBTS chair Cindy Keen Reynders said: “The community coalition is committed to this program and is proud to serve young people in this capacity. We are especially grateful to Cheyenne businesses and individuals that ensure that our students have the proper tools to begin a successful school year.”