Event To Offer Local Kids School Supplies, Back Packs, Haircuts
The ''We Got Your Back" event will offer local kids free haircuts, backpacks, and school supplies, according to event organizers.
The event will be held on August 20 starting at 9 a.m. at the Cheyenne Family YMCA. It will also feature free food, ice cream, and activities for the kids.
It was organized by Angel Maldanado, creator, and CEO of the Presidential Barber Shop in Cheyenne. In the words of a news release,
"In collaboration with multiple barber shops in town, along with generous donations from the Cheyenne DDA, Visit Cheyenne, Terrel Cheverolet, WalMart and many others, the goal of the event is to ensure that no child in Cheyenne is left without supplies they need to go back to school."
Maldanado was a guest on the ''Weekend In Wyoming" program on KGAB radio on Saturday, speaking about the event:
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