Evangelist Jerry Martin brings revival under the big top.  Back in the 30's, 40's and 50's tent revivals were a great way for evangelists to preach the gospel message to the masses. Many remember the tent revivals of Jack Coe, A.A. Allen and William "Billy" Sunday.

Since the advent of the television, many tent revivals have gone by the wayside, but this week, beginning Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m., you'll have the chance to relive those thrilling days of yesteryear when going to an old fashioned tent brought prayer meetings, Holy Ghost preaching and high expectations of a great move of God.

The event is hosted by First Baptist Church of Cheyenne and sponsored by Cowboy Connection Ministries. Evangelist Jerry Brown will speak after music and gospel singing. No offerings will be received and their will be lost of food, BBQ and fellowship following the nightly meetings.

For more information about the event, call Pastor King at 307-632-9334.

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