If you haven't been to the Wyoming craigslist page lately, you've been missing out on some of the most romantic stories in the Rocky Mountains.  Here's our monthly round-up of the  best "Missed Connections", online at wyoming.craigslist.org.

#1.  The Dude at "The Den" in Cheyenne  -- If you're looking for love, you probably won't find it at The Den, however, you might find a dancer on stage named "Echo".

A guy named Mike did and here's what he wants her to know, "You are beyond adorable. It was amazing to be able to watch you dance and share eye contact. I would really like to purchase some of the body lotion that you said you make yourself."

Wow, she makes her own body lotion?  And she's working her way through college?  That takes real talent.

#2. Love at first sight at the Kum + Go in Cheyenne -- Have you ever looked at someone and you knew right away that they were "the one"?  Clearly, you've been hanging out at the Kum and Go.

"I came into the Kum n Go off of Del Range across from McDonalds and got some gas and smokes. There was this older Hispanic lady working that had looks that put butterflies in my stomach when she started serving me. I'm pretty sure she was hitting on me too, but I failed and shut down. I am a little younger than her I think is what intimidated me the most, I wish I could go back in time and get a redo. I've always been more interested in older ladies, but I guess for now I'll stay that random customer, that wishes he could just once get the guts to say something...."

#3. Dude's daughter throws salt in Dad's game at the Taco John's in Casper -- Don't you just hate it when you're hitting on a beautiful woman and your own daughter tries to run interference?  That's what happened to this poor guy at the Taco John's.

"I said you had very pretty hair color. I wanted to talk to you more and look into your beautiful blue eyes, but my daughter was trying to push me out the door. If this is you and you want to talk to me tell me where I work in the subject line."

#4.  Longing for the Goth Girl at the Casper Wal-Mart  -- If I've said it once, I've said it a million times,  there's nothing sexier than a woman in a Rammstein t-shirt.  Especially if she's hanging out with her mom at the local Wal-Mart.   This guy knows.

"This is a long shot, but hopefully you were as interested in me as I was you. We were both leaving the westside Walmart at the same time, we both stopped our carts to let each other pass, but I motioned for you to go first. You smiled at me. I was wearing a black hoodie and you were wearing a rammstein shirt and boots. I would have talked to you, but it looked like you were with your mom or somebody. Anyways, I thought you were gorgeous, I am into the goth/metal/industrial culture and I haven't met many girls in casper who I can relate to. I would love to meet you and go on a date. I will let fate decide if you actually find this and read this. If you do stumble across this post, please respond ;)"

# 5.  Jason the Truck Driver  -- Ladies, prepare to meet the man of your dreams.  This smooth operator is named Jason and he really knows how to make a woman feel special.  Like this missed connections post he wrote to the "Hot Redhead" at the Tiger Truck Stop in Upton, WY.

"To the hot red head that works at Tiger's in Upton. If ur single or have a boyfriend, doesn't matter. I'd like to chat more if ur interested. We didn't chat long while I was getting weighed in and out. I was in the light blue Pete. Me and another driver was talking about the eye candy on the cb when we left on 12-10-14. Hope to hear from u, or if ur not interested, then maybe u could let the blond with the either blue or grey eyes know I'm interested in her too, if ur not? Thanks. Jason."

How could any lady possibly resist a romantic overture like that?  Join us again next month for another thrilling episode of the Best of Wyoming Missed Connections on Craigslist.



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