We all desire a perfect credit score, but how many of us are willing to do what it takes to get there? Poor credit makes our life miserable, so let's think about this.  Today on the Top 5 at 7:45, I'll highlight some possible lesser known ways of perfecting your credit score. Let's take a look.

  1. Pay Your Bills On Time - This is a no brainer. No exceptions and no excuses, because there are none if you want a perfect credit score.
  2. Avoid Using More Than 30% - Don't use more than 30% of the available credit offered to you. Monitor your balances carefully and discipline yourself to stay within your boundaries.
  3. Start Using Credit - As soon as possible, you should use credit to your advantage. This is the easiest way to hit that perfect score goal.
  4. Only Apply For Needed Credit - Don't apply for credit that you don't need. A few hard inquiries in a few months will cause a missed perfect goal.
  5. Use AnnualCreditReport.com - This is a great way to obtain a copy of your three credit reports once per year. Review them to see if you are hitting your benchmarks throughout the year.

The Top 5 at 7:45 airs weekdays with me, Gary Freeman and sponsored by First Education Federal Credit Union.

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