It seems that more and more people are taking their cats to local animal shelters in America. But what are the reasons that people are sending their cats there?  The National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, studied the problem and found the following are the main reasons why people send their cats to the shelter.

Keep in mind, that animals who were relinquished as strays, illnesses, age and euthanasia, were not a part of this list.

  1. Too Many In The House - You remember the "cat lady" in your neighborhood? I think some people may be trying to eliminate that moniker from the conversation of their neighbors.
  2. Allergies - Cat hair is a killer for those who are allergic to them. One a couple has children and they find out their child is allergic to the cat, to the shelter they go. (The cat's that is, not the child).
  3. Moving - There are those who leave Tabby behind when they get ready to move. Some think it easier to drop the cat off at the local animal shelter, rather than subjugate the kitty to a long trip.
  4. Cost of Pet Maintenance - With the dollar going down and the price of living going up, this constitutes people taking their cat to the shelter. If it costs $30 - $40 a month or more to feed and house the cat, many simply can't afford to do that, so they send them to the shelter.
  5. Landlord Issues - There are those who allow the cat and there are those who don't. Then there are those who either want a $150 animal deposit, or $25 extra a month for the animal.

Do you have a cat? Would you get rid of your cat for any of these reasons above? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

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