Cheyenne Ward 1 Councilman Jimmy Valdez says he is running for a fourth  term on the city's g0verning body. Valdez, a local businessman, says if he is re-elected he would like to work for better planning of city projects as well as completion of those which have already been started. He cites the city's legal battle to obtain a part of the Hollywood Video parking lot as the sort of situation that should be avoided.

Valdez says rather than the current situation, where city officials are invoking eminent domain and awaiting the outcome of a November court hearing on the issue, planners should have dealt with the issue ahead of time or had an alternative plan available. He says another example of unfinished projects is the tennis courts in Martin Luther King Jr. Park, which remain uncompleted despite the project having been started several years ago. Valdez has commented that he feels the city treats that park differently than parks in other areas of the city.

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