7:07AM MDT: Law Enforcement Columnist, and former Vice President of The National Association of Chiefs of Police, Jim Kouri guests to discuss his latest column, GSA corruption more far reaching than suspected, says lawmaker, watchdog group. (See it posted in it's entirety right here on KGAB.Com).

7:37 AM MDT: The Mayor of The City of Cheyenne, Rick Kaysen is back on the program with host Dave Chaffin to update us on all f the latest issues facing the City. We'll talk more with him about the Lions Park Landscaping Remidiation Project, more on the 6th Penny and invite your calls and questions, too.

9:07AM MDT: Today we begin our lead up to The 2012 Day of Giving in Cheyenne

We ask people to come out to the Day of Giving and donate blood to United Blood Services.  They can call Greta Morrow at 635-3943 to make an appointment.

People who can’t come out to the Day of Giving can give at United Blood Services anytime between May 7 and May 19 in the name of the Day of Giving.  Just tell UBS you are giving for Day of Giving when you go in to donate.

Anyone can come out the Day of Giving and register as an organ/tissue donor.  Just come inside and fill out a form!

Today our guests will be:  Rebecca Grommon, double organ transplant recipient & Dan Baxter, formerly a blood donor and recently a patient who needed much help from blood donors.

Rebecca:   Rebecca is a fuel tax examiner for the State of Wyoming , Department of Transportation -  Had diabetes with many kidney complications. -  Needed both a kidney and a pancreas from the same donor

Dan Baxter:  Dan is Managing Director at Kaiser and Company Investment Services

For many years, Dan was a regular blood donor.

His body suddenly cycled through periods when it stopped making platelets, so his blood would not clot and he bruised easily.  Over several months, it got worse and worse

At one point, he had so few platelets that he almost bled to death at CRMC.  Blood was leaking through his blood vessels; doctors couldn’t get into a vein and almost died.

He was on the cancer floor at the hospital during recovery and saw how many cancer patients needed blood

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