Gov. Matt Mead

Senator Mike Enzi is Calling For Two Year Federal Budget [AUDIO]
Senator Mike Enzi is Calling For Two Year Federal Budget [AUDIO]
Senator Mike Enzi is Calling For Two Year Federal Budget [AUDIO]
Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) has introduced a bill to require biennial budgeting that he says will provide a better way for the federal government to scrutinize spending and provide better oversight of federal agencies. Former Governor Dave Freudenthal (D-WY) joined Governor Matt Mead (R-WY) Wednesday in recognizing the team that devised a long term strategy for the conservation of Sage Grouse in Wyo
Officials Say Wolf Deal Close [AUDIO]
Officials Say Wolf Deal Close [AUDIO]
Officials Say Wolf Deal Close [AUDIO]
The state of Wyoming and the U-S Department of the Interior have agreed in principal on a plan  to delist wolves as a federally protected species in Wyoming, although a few details still need to be worked  out. Wyoming agricultural producers are being encouraged to submit hay samples to the state hay show at the state fair in Douglas next month. Ag reporter Ahren Broad has a report. Click past jum