bomb threat

Jessup Elementary Bomb Threat
Jessup Elementary Bomb Threat
Jessup Elementary Bomb Threat
Cheyenne Police were called to Jessup Elementary this morning after an unknown man phoned in a bomb threat. "Officers searched the school and the grounds and found nothing suspicious or out of place," said Officer Dan Long. "The school was not evacuated," said Laramie County School District 1 Spokeswoman Mary Quast...
Bomb Threat at Triumph High School Cleared
Bomb Threat at Triumph High School Cleared
Bomb Threat at Triumph High School Cleared
The situation at Triumph High School has been cleared. Earlier this morning the school received an unconfirmed bomb threat and law enforcement asked Laramie County School District 1 to lock down Triumph and surrounding schools Spokeswoman Mary Quast says the lockdown at the surrounding schools was lifted at approximately 10:55 a...