
Catch Sean and his guests today 4-7PM on AM650 KGAB and right here on www.kgab.com on our live stream. 

5:05pm MDT --  David Horowitz and Michael Ghouse- Will provide analysis on International Relations.  The discussion will focus on the latest news out of Egypt and the recent meeting between the White House and the Muslim Brotherhood.



6:05pm MDT --  Conservative Blogger Michelle Malkin is here to discuss the "Politics of the Day" and the racist comments made by former Washington D.C. mayor Marion Barry.  Barry told supporters in D.C.'s Ward 8: "We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops. They ought to go." Once pushed out, Barry promised, he would replace the foreign invaders with "African-American business people." Barry then took to the social networking platform Twitter to expound on the perils of "dirty" Asian shops in his neighborhood.

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