Happiness is a relative term it seems. A man or woman can be happy living in a trailer, whereas others would never think of it.  Then there's social happiness, financial, spiritual or material happiness. The list can go on. There are those that struggle with peace and happiness for various reasons. Today on the Top 5 at 7:45, I'll highlight some high speed ideas to become a happier individual.

  • Try To Avoid Emotional Reasoning - Some would say that you go by faith and not by feeling. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear until you know the facts of the matter. Feelings can be deceiving as they mirror truth when, in fact, they may be nothing more than feelings.
  • Make Wise Choices - When faced with making a choice, ask yourself what will be the result of the choice. People fail to move forward because they are too scared about failing or having an undesirable outcome.
  • Stay In Touch With Your Why - Why are you doing what you're doing? What makes you tick? Why do you behave the way you do? If you take some time to analyze you and why you do things, it will help you bring desires to fruition.
  • Show Others How You Want To Be Treated - Have you ever wondered what all of your relationships have in common? I'll give you a hint: it's you. How to people approach and treat you? If you show respect, you'll reap respect. If you show hate and discontent, then you'll receive it. Teach others how to treat you, by treating them the way you wish to be treated.
  • Make Investments Into Your Dreams - It has been said that if you can dream it, then you can have it. Dreams keep us grounded and give us a reference point to where we need to be headed. If you keep your dreams as a good bench mark in your life, then your bound to have them realized someday.

    The Top 5 at 7:45 airs weekdays with me, Gary Freeman, and sponsored by First Education Federal Credit Union.

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