Democratic Laramie County Commission candidate Marquerite Herman says she decided to run for the two year county commissioner seat because she believes she brings a broad view perspective to the job.

She says her goal is to develop a plan for Laramie County's future in where there is responsible, sustainable growth. She also believes all the communities in Laramie county have to work together and adds that "what helps one helps all."

As for the Niobrara Oil play, Herman says she understands the revenue the drilling can bring to the county, but it does not come without consequences, such as damage to roads and potential impacts  to the county's water supply. Herman says officials need to proceed cautiously when it comes to the use of hydraulic fracturing.

Herman says maintaining the roads in the county should be at the top of the priority list when it comes to budgeting. As far as the sixth penny projects on the August 21st ballot, Herman says the voters will sort out which ones they believe are a priority and which ones they don't support.

Herman, who has been a freelance journalist and a lobbyist for the League of Women Voters, says she believes that her experience will allow her to represent the county well when it comes to issues involving the state Legislature.

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